Born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1952, Richard at a very early age established contact with the nature spirits and the invisible realms. He also had a unique predisposition to laughter and happiness which fostered an open spirit with life. He received a gift of music and began composing at a very early age. With the cultural revolution in 1968, a vista of spiritual information and connection entered into his life. His desire to explore the inner realities through revelation became a continual journey as well as entering into the womb of Mother Nature to nourish in the simplicity of her beauty.
In 1974, he left for Paris, France to study at the Conservatory of Music. His desire was to utilize music to awaken the memory of the soul within each one and allow that common thread to bring human beings into a deeper connection with themselves, each other and the universe. It was at this time he began his journey in astrology, through a unique inner experience with each zodiacal sign. The first books of Dane Rudhyar (1895 – 1985) provided a foundational base in which his own inner experiences could build upon. Deciding to go to the home of Orpheus, in the mountains between Greece and Bulgaria, author of the Greek mythology and credited for gifting humanity with musical harmony, he met his spiritual teacher high in the Swiss alps overlooking Mt. Blanc and the Dents de Midi. Originating from the homeland of Orpheus, Omraam Michaël Aïvanhov provided Richard with the road map to continue this amazing journey into the inner dimensions. He lived within his community for over 20 years in southern France, exploring how all humanity is one cosmic being. The teachings of Aïvanhov, which he received from his teacher, Peter Deunov, cover almost every facet of spiritual development, including unique perspectives into the 4 principal esoteric sciences, the Kabbala, astrology, magic and alchemy, as well as musical songs that nourish the soul’s life. Through his own inner experiences, Richard began establishing a completely new astrological approach, in which one’s past life experiences can be understood, enriching this lifetime with a vast perspective and allowing the conscious assimilation of one’s soul’s purpose.
Verifying these methods on himself first and then on the hundreds of people he has consulted, he has brought together a simple program in which each one can become conscious of their souls journey and how it interacts with the universe. He has named this Soul Essence Astrology and has received the inner guidance to offer this work on a much larger scale. Soul Essence Astrology is one of the key components of Soul Essence Education, an educative methodology that he and his wife Greta co-created to assist the integration and development of the soul during a lifetime’s journey. His prayer is that each one can know and heal themselves more deeply, touching their eternal spirit and discovering their unique gifts. While doing this, one reintegrates with their inner divine child, becoming whole, and one’s soul journey unfolds with all its splendor, in the mystery of the ongoing miracle of creation.
He is presently living on the island of Kauai with his wife Greta, 2 dogs and chickens where they have established a spiritual sanctuary called L.U.B.O.F., Living in Universal Beauty as One Family. Lubof means love in the Bulgarian language.