The title of this article, might be a bit misleading for the principal quality of time is change. Each individual, from the moment of birth, rides upon the wave of change. The physical body constantly changes and adapts as the years and experiences pass by. Our emotions feel through the shift of change within its own rhythm, changing to life events very differently than the physical body. Our minds, through the ability to reflect, analyze, question and understand, attempt to lead the way as changes open doors to a terrain that seems unexplored.
Yet, if one can stop this incessant movement just a bit, one can notice there is something within that is observing, and has been observing all these changes throughout one’s lifetime. There is a presence that remains unaffected by the changes that life brings. If one has never had a personal experience in this, history is filled with testimonials coming from a multitude of individuals expressing in their own way, the perception of this inner observer. In sometimes the most life-threatening situations, this awareness brought the individual the necessary solutions to remain alive.
This is one of the main purposes of a soul essence astrological session. Through the ability to perceive the archetypical symbols in one’s experiences, one touches consciously the state of awareness where the inner observer becomes the one observed. It is during these moments one can see how the events are connected, how the chain of cause and effect moves the destiny in a specific direction. One can begin to follow how independent life choices brought similar results into one’s life. This ability to be in a state of awareness of witnessing one’s proper life, becomes a life changing event. No longer a passenger in a car being driven by reacting to life events, one now has the wheel and can begin to direct the journey from another perspective. One can choose where to go.
Humanity is an individual within the macro cosmic universe. It too, is subject to the same changes that each individual experiences. Humanity also has a presence that is constantly observing, even during the most difficult passages. Each person is a cell in this body of humanity. The ability for each cell to touch this observer, enter into a state of consciousness where it is no longer caught in the net of change, can offer the best conditions for humanity as a whole to perceive the inner observer in order to face the challenges, find the solutions and allow the changes to benefit all.
Humanity, like each individual, is at a crossroad of change. More and more, each crisis the world experiences affects humanity collectively. During these intense moments, one can have the ability to touch this region of calm, unaffected by the events or situations. Soul essence astrology offers this possibility and through the clarity of one’s own experience, contribute something that will ameliorate one’s proper life and the lives of others.