Soul Essence Astrology gives the possibility

to regain the memories of our soul experiences;

it allows us to accept that everything we experience in our life has meaning.


Through a Soul Essence Astrological reading we can access

our unconscious memory that spans over life times

and connect to the cosmic memory in which our story takes place.

Our soul is eternal

We are born in this life with an in-breath and depart from the physical plane with an out-breath. In regards to the life of our soul, this physical lifetime is but one breath. If one can imagine all the breaths one takes in a lifetime, one can get an idea of the span of time the soul lives in. For all sense and purpose, the soul is eternal.

We are cosmic beings

The circle of the zodiac, comprised of the 12 astrological signs, represent symbolically the cosmic womb from which our spirit is birthed. In essence, this is an aspect of the virgin birth. On the physical plane, each sign is a stellar constellation that is immense, beyond any physical size we can grasp. Our spirit is birthed from this immensity and co-created with the cosmos the formation of our soul. In other words, we come from this cosmic dimensional space. We are cosmic beings.

We co-create our soul reality

To form a circle, one must first determine the center, a point from which the circle originates. This imperceptible point is the source of all experience. It is from this point, in the center, we co-create our soul reality.

One of my offerings is a

Soul Essence Astrology Reading

which consists of 4 one to two-hour sessions that span a cycle of the moon.


Eight-week Individual or Group Courses

Know You, Yourself, the Key to the Universe

The goal of all pursuit of knowledge is to know oneself. Each discovery in modern science has brought to light how much all life is interconnected and, at the same time, how much we do not know. As we begin to establish this knowledge and put the questions, who am I, why am I here, what is my purpose into the “what is” of our lives, a vast vista opens before us and a journey begins into the depths of ourselves. This eight-week course follows the eternal spring of spirit from its origin, for one needs to know where they come from, into the now moment of life. As the eternal symbol of wisdom, the snake swallowing its tail, we create a circle within our existence to reflect the perfection of the universe.

The Emerald Tablet, “As Above, So Below.......”

The path to integrate the unseen dimensions is not as farfetched and complicated as often it is presented. Nature offers us so many doorways to penetrate the invisible worlds that are within the physical manifestations. Through the development and practice of analogy, we reawaken dormant spiritual centers that enable us to visualize, feel and interact with the unseen realms. These experiences then become the building blocks of a totally new relationship that we establish with ourselves and all living beings. The two poles, the macrocosm and microcosm interconnect and form a unity, revealing hidden treasures buried in our consciousness. This eight-week course allows the inner eye to gently open and perceive other realties that we get a small glimpse in our dream time. We begin to awaken our consciousness and step out of the confined spaces of three-dimensional realities. The goal of our soul evolution is to become a conscious and free citizen of the universe.

The Angelic Hierarchies

How much do we know of our past? Not our genetic history or our physical body evolution, but what is the past of our spirit and soul? Have we, as we defined ourselves as human beings, lived in other forms, in other existences? These questions lead us to the realization that the earth and all her inhabitants have lived in other dimensional realities than just the present one we are now immersed in. This eight-week course brings the lost memory of these distant times into the present moment. The angelic realms exist, not only outside ourselves but within us also, awaiting us to open the door into these amazing regions of beauty, light, qualities, virtues and possibilities.

Individual Soul Counseling

Soul Counseling

Every event, situation and relationship has its origin in the unseen worlds. Our ability to establish a conscious understanding with the causal regions, where our vision is clear and unhampered allows us to make choices that are in alignment with our greater good, our environment and all of nature. Soul counseling empowers the individual in their innate ability to see, feel and act in harmony. Human beings are not alone. We have established and nurtured deep and intimate relationships throughout our soul evolution. To incorporate this wisdom, feel the love and reestablish the stability in the face of change brings an ease and grace into our lives. The sessions can vary in regards to the present moment the soul is experiencing, this flexibility offers the traumatic and difficult memories to surface and be seen as a moment in the changing seasons of the soul.

Prices for courses and counseling are determined on an individual basis to insure a win/win exchange.

Life, this amazing mystery, is embraced in a balance

between the constant circulation of energies and forces

from the universe to visible realms



The soul essence astrological reading consists of 4 one to two-hour sessions that span a cycle of the moon.

As each phase of the moon has a specific correspondence with our personal lives, the earth, the sun, planets and the universe, so each session will develop the latent ability we all have to understand the experiences we live, the energies that are present and the field of resonance they create in the cosmos.

The first session is offered free, whereafter you can feel if this is a journey you want to undertake. Together we will find a win-win exchange.

The First Session Free

The first session consists in forming a vocabulary of key words that the participant finds within themselves. These words will begin to create the code keys to decipher the language the soul utilizes. The soul letters are images and experiences, like a dream, the symbols are there within the mandala of our astrological chart. Through specific exercises, linked with our respiration, these keywords sink into the unconscious realms to retrieve the codes that will unlock the soul senses.

The Second Session​

The second session will explore the exercises done during the week and begin to place the keywords on the astrological chart. This is a very intimate and personal journey, any healing and release most usually occurs during this session.

The Third and Fourth Session

The third and fourth sessions begin the work of an active co-creation with the soul thru the specific language that has been discovered, uncovered and elaborated. Intentions are formed, relationships between the different lives clarified and a stream of continuity in our life expression emerges. Within this new perspective, our potentiality to access our qualities, gifts, communicate and receive the gifts of the universe geometrically increases. In short, we reintegrate more of who we are to experience life more fully. Symbolically speaking, we no longer reside on the periphery of the zodiacal circle where all the angular aspects of the planets occur, we return to the center of the chart, reestablishing a balance between the cosmic forces, the planets and our inner lives.


Soul Essence Astrology

Life, this amazing mystery is embraced in a balance between the constant circulation of energies and forces from the invisible to visible realms. Our birth, our death appears as two poles in which life’s current manifests all the events, circumstances, relationships, challenges, changes, health, etc. All the physical processes that have formed and maintain our…

Pattern recognition

A trinity in astrology is formed between the astrological signs, the planets, including the sun and moon, and the rotation of the earth. This trinity is what forms the foundation for an astrological chart. Planet and earth rotation are predictable; their relationships are predetermined by their respective rotations. Therefore, the patterns that emerge are predictable…

Contact me


+1 808 639 5593

Soul Essence Astrology

is part of

Soul Essence Education and Sanctuary of Lubof


Richard Kraft has spent his life learning and studying the ways of the Soul. He has done the work within himself to remain calm, empowered and grounded through many diverse life experiences. He is one of the most evolved humans I know and, for anyone, it would be a privilege and a help to receive his counsel. He sees into the subtle energies and mundane messages of astrology to bring ones their own answers from within. HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION.
Linda S. Masterson
Answers from Within
I highly recommend Richard who I’ve known for 12 years. I find him to be one of the wisest counselors I’ve ever had the good fortune to meet. His wonderful wisdom and intuitive approach to even difficult situations is a healing salve that I’ve personally experienced on numerous occasions. I’ve also seen over the years that his extraordinary insights are extremely helpful in finding practical solutions to the many sorts of conditions that all of us face in our lives.​
Dharma Widmann
Vedic Astrologer and Sanskrit Teacher
The astrological readings I’ve done with Richard over the years have helped guide me toward my most soul aligned and heart centered path. To Richard life and spirituality are one. His vast astrological knowledge and gifts are expanded tenfold by the spiritual work he has done and the life he has lived. I would highly recommend working with Richard to anyone looking to connect with their truest essence and find their soul’s path.
Dr. Lena Dicken
Having an astrology session with Richard is like opening a door to the deepest and most hidden realms of your soul. Under his eyes, your chart becomes a living being speaking directly to you through Richard's outstanding intuition. If you want to stay on the surface of things, Richard may not be your first choice of an astrologer. But if your experience of life goes beyond the five senses, if the spiritual purpose of your existence is of interest to you, if you have deep questions about your evolution and inner fulfilment, prepare yourself for a treat, you may see your life in a light you had never experienced before.
Dr. François Gerland
Honorary doctor in holistic medicines, BirthTheChange® co-founder
My sessions with Richard facilitated deep emotional healing and discovery. Richard creates a safe space of compassion and acceptance that allows for vulnerability. Richard’s vast experience and knowledge gives depth to his teachings and guidance. I felt understood and walked away from the session with direct action steps that brought personal discovery and my own self-acceptance. Working with Richard is a unique and collaborative experience that I would recommend to anyone looking for spiritual support.
Megan M. Smith, LMHC
Clinical Therapist
I have known Richard for many years and have experienced many types of sessions from him including soul astrology, music and soul counseling. With each session I learned more about myself and was facilitated into new facets of awareness. Richard brings a depth of heart and understanding that is immense. He has such a rich and deep understanding of his tools that he is able to create an opportunity of growth for each person he works with. Richard is not just a facilitator and teacher. He is also an example of living consciously from his Soul Essence.
Taj Jure
Clinical Hypnotherapist


Born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1952, Richard at a very early age established contact with the nature spirits and the invisible realms. He also had a unique predisposition to laughter and happiness which fostered an open spirit with life. He received a gift of music and began composing at a very early age. With the cultural revolution in 1968, a vista of spiritual information and connection entered into his life. His desire to explore the inner realities through revelation became a continual journey as well as entering into the womb of Mother Nature to nourish in the simplicity of her beauty.

In 1974, he left for Paris, France to study at the Conservatory of Music. His desire was to utilize music to awaken the memory of the soul within each one and allow that common thread to bring human beings into a deeper connection with themselves, each other and the universe. It was at this time he began his journey in astrology, through a unique inner experience with each zodiacal sign. The first books of Dane Rudhyar (1895 – 1985) provided a foundational base in which his own inner experiences could build upon. Deciding to go to the home of Orpheus, in the mountains between Greece and Bulgaria, author of the Greek mythology and credited for gifting humanity with musical harmony, he met his spiritual teacher high in the Swiss alps overlooking Mt. Blanc and the Dents de Midi. Originating from the homeland of Orpheus, Omraam Michaël Aïvanhov provided Richard with the road map to continue this amazing journey into the inner dimensions. He lived within his community for over 20 years in southern France, exploring how all humanity is one cosmic being. The teachings of Aïvanhov, which he received from his teacher, Peter Deunov, cover almost every facet of spiritual development, including unique perspectives into the 4 principal esoteric sciences, the Kabbala, astrology, magic and alchemy, as well as musical songs that nourish the soul’s life. Through his own inner experiences, Richard began establishing a completely new astrological approach, in which one’s past life experiences can be understood, enriching this lifetime with a vast perspective and allowing the conscious assimilation of one’s soul’s purpose.

Verifying these methods on himself first and then on the hundreds of people who have consulted with him, he has brought together a simple program in which each one can become conscious of their soul's journey and how it interacts with the universe. He has named this Soul Essence Astrology and has received the inner guidance to offer this work on a much larger scale. Soul Essence Astrology is one of the key components of Soul Essence Education, an educative methodology that he and his wife Greta co-created to assist the integration and development of the soul during a lifetime’s journey. His prayer is that each one can know and heal themselves more deeply, touching their eternal spirit and discovering their unique gifts. While doing this, one reintegrates with their inner divine child, becoming whole, and one’s soul journey unfolds with all its splendor, in the mystery of the ongoing miracle of creation.

He is presently living on the island of Kauai with his wife Greta, 1 dog, 1 cats and 6 bunnies. With a team of young and old they are reestablishing a spiritual sanctuary called L.U.B.O.F., Living in Universal Beauty as One Family. 'Lubof' means 'love' in the Bulgarian language.